Monday, April 16, 2007

I think regulars are retarded.

Dear Sir,

Do you honestly believe that everyone's fighting so hard to rise up through the ranks, especially the NSFs? Do you think that everyone desires to be a lieutenant, if not, at least a sergeant? Maybe most. But has it ever come across to you that quite a few NSFs have the potential, mentally and physically, to be excellent officers, but they simply refused to?

Regulars think brains are proportional to rank. And using this loophole, by becoming a corporal, one is able to deny almost all responsibilities. It's not that they aren't able to accomplish tasks - they simply refuse to. How is it that someone who converses; be it through mail or verbally, with sound grammar and perfect tenses, is unable to comprehend instructions, for perhaps, coming up with a proposal, help prepare slides for conference and what have you.

And if you think that by giving a prep talk, NSFs would actually put in more effort into their work? Oh please, your fellow colleages (regulars) do not give a shit. Why should we? Just give me one good reason to.

You know. I might consider going the extra metre if I were offered off(s)/leave(s). Perhaps not.

No. Probably not.


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