Sunday, February 26, 2006

I'm resigning tomorrow. wheee. Finally, the real holidays begin. (Not that I've not been slacking on the job; like ALOT. =x) I know most people say it's dumb coz it's good money, but, it's really getting onto my nerves. And what's one month to ask of, for myself? I've going into the army soon; april 7 to be precise. Come think of it, it's really scary when it seems that (considering you don't retain) this is the last long holiday you'll ever get in your life. No more school breaks. You can't take such a long break from work (unless you are a teacher; actually no. The most you get is like one month. Only students get this kind of things. Twice. Thrice for some). This is like the last long holiday, ever!?! Second last actually. The last one would be while you are letting go while holding on.

As you can see, buying a backup SIM card and build a USB charger are both on hold. And lots of other related things as well. I'll only resume them when I'm sure I'm not retained. Either that or I fail to go anywhere and can't retain. I mean, why on earth do I have to build a charger if I'm not going to NS? I'm too poor for private universities, private schools anyway.

I'm trying to be disciplined. Clearing my 'research' list, doing 'technical' things sparingly, hardcore on japanese/physics/driving. That's what I intended it to be.

I'm off to play some games.



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